Study with us

I’ve been studying for years, but it wasn’t until recently that I discovered the power and benefits of studying with someone else by my side. That’s why I created my “Study With Me” livestream. It’s a cozy stream filled with nature sounds and chat breaks for us to catch a breather and stay connected. We hold each other accountable and work on either 50/10 pomodoros or 25/5 pomodoros in order to get our studies done. We’ve developed a great routine for studying—one that we both look forward to each week.

No matter what kind of course or subject I’m working on, I find that having someone else to work with motivates me to stay on task. Instead of staring at my open textbooks, my study partner and I energize each other to keep going. Knowing we’re both plugged in and supporting each other eliminates the temptation to procrastinate and focus on something more entertaining. As hard as you might try to avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task at hand, having a study partner helps to lock in those last few minutes so our work gets submitted on time.

Our “Study With Me” livestream is designed to hold both of us to a higher standard of work. We break up our work into chunks to ensure that we finish within two hours. During the work spurts, we mute ourselves so there are no distractions. We also take frequent 10-15 minute chat breaks that allow us to share stories or ask questions. This creates a more relaxed atmosphere as we banter our way through the most mundane or complicated topics.

Another benefit to studying with someone is the opportunity for learning. Whenever I’m having difficulty with a certain concept or area, I can ask my partner for help. Not only do I get a better understanding of the material, but my partner also gets to practice their teaching skills. It’s a win-win situation.

At the end of our session, we take a few minutes to review what we’ve discussed and then we say our goodbyes. Knowing that someone is waiting for me the following week helps to keep me accountable and motivated to continue learning. I invite anyone with an enthusiasm for learning or a need for accountability to join my livestream on a weekly basis. We’ll have lots of fun and get lots of learning done too!


I did 100 livestreams on YouTube and this is what happened


Everyone should have a hobby