I did 100 livestreams on YouTube and this is what happened

My first livestream was on March 4th and within 108 days I reached 100 livestreams.

For the sake of simplicity, let’s look at the last 90 days.
Here is the data:

In the beginning, nobody was watching. It was mostly me and one of my roommates. A few people would join here and there.

Most of my viewers found me through browse features, but the second most common way they found me was through YouTube search.

Below are the search terms that got the best results:

I gained more subscribers from live streams than any other format. The difference was 194 more than all the other ways combined.

Around late May, I reduced the number of shorts I was posting. At the same time my livestreams were gaining more traction.

All of my top streams were either 10 or 12 hours.

Out of all the streams during this time period, my average viewers were about 12.

I hit my peak this month of 77 viewers. I also saw an average increase of 8 viewers per stream.

In conclusion, I think live streaming has benefitted my channel significantly. In fact, it appears to be a catalyst of growth that I didn’t even think was possible.


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